Love Letters to Children Responding to Children who hurt
Love Letters to Children Responding to Children who hurt
!. The care for and encouragment of growth or development, the process of caring and encouraging the growth or development of someone or some thing "Jered was nutured by his close knit family" Nurture encompasses the enviornmental factors that impact who we are. this includes our early childhood exsperiences, the way we were raised our social relationships and the surrounding culture. The expression "nurture' vs. nature" "Nature" means inate biological factors including (genetics),
While nurture can refere to upbring or exsperiences more generaly. "Nurture" is the view that human behavior and developement is a product of influences. The enviornment is seen as everything outside the body which heavly impacts the inner working of a child, encluding, people, places, and the physical world, all having varying impact on a childs personal self. Nurture teaches children how to connect with others to build important relationships and to develope a sense of self helps them to learn play and communicat and develope a sense of self worth. enabling to thrive.
Environmental nurture refers to how a child is raised and treated what enviornmental facters socicoeoconomic status, early childhood exsperiences, edcation and daily habits. Rituals and family routines are essential for healthy families, making life run smoother helping families to spend more time together. routines make parents feel organised and in control. and redusce stress. Good routines are regulay planned and predictable, giving children a sense of safety and security, knowing whats coming next. Basic routins, getting ready in the morning, eating meals, going to school, wind down time after school, home work and chours. spending time playing and talking with each other, reading books or telling stories ,having a bath and going to bed, you decide, be consistant. Structure helps children feel confident nurtured and taken care of, important.
Touch, hugs kisses, gentle (ruff and tuble' play) "play, gentle ticking and snuggle time are all wonderful ways to show love to our children. All people need touch children need lots of it every day. and is a vital ingredient in childs developement. parents can also use vocabulary to bond with their children, modling a healthy love vocabualry is soothing and bonding. Parenting demenor, parent in general are you, affectionate, agreeable cheerful, excited, frienly, proud, loving, delighted, contented, optomistic? i wish i knew someone like this! lol. are you emotional sound? Its ok to be anxious, worried concerned alarmed, uneasy but not every moment of every day.cry and be sad, dissapointed, and upset but these feeling need to not be a life long feeeling every moment of every day. learn more about identifying your emotions, modle healthy eemotions and your children will grow in them and thrive. Children need to understand their own emotions, get a board with a range of emotions, more than just angrey, mad and sad...
Eye Gazing; The surprizing power of prolonged loving eye contact, based on science. God says the eyes are the window to the soul. People hardly look into each others eyes, even so, only for momments at a time, looking striaght into a childs eyes has such great power, seeing each other eye to eye. If we love them and intentionally pour pure real love from our heats into their heart we have given them whats called "the look of love" .that look of love can bond us together forever. Pour that love right into their soul. add thee words i love you, this my friend is emotional nurture at its best. you can also use other words, im so proud of you, your really somethin to me all good and glorious words can be poured into your childs heart at any time of day.
the use of words is an important factor in childrens lives, really make their day by using encouraging words that light up their heart and stabilize them emotionally EX; avoid over-praising or using the same words to often, sprinkle them appropriately along the way. Be specific, I am proud of you, you are so brave, I'm excited to see you, keep up the good work, your so funny, l just want to hug you, I like you, your the best! Other words that are more emotionally focus, I love you, you make me smile, you can say no, your choices matter, i think about you all the time, i miss you when your gone, i have been thinking about you. No body is perfect thats ok. today was a hard day? Lets make tomorrow better, we all have hard days, tell me about yours, everyone makes mistakes, its ok, i beleive in you, I am happy you asked for help when you needed it, take a break if you need to, whenever you have a hard day remember i am here to listen to you ,i am so proud of you trying so hard. there is a whole page of words and phrases you can use to emotionally suport the on the "HONEY FOR A CHILDS HEAT PAGE"
knowyour childs personalitiey, temperament, likes and dislikes, their weaknesses and strengths, Understanding who they are assisting in emotional stability, How children are treated in their enviornments is foundational. Knowing and understanding childrens difference, and , celebrating them without comparing or criticising is esential, each child is differnt and unique, understand their particualar ways can be f bonding or breaking in your relationship. Never say "you are bad", children beleive what you say. Say, you need to follow the rules, use your manners, there are consequences for that, do you want to make a good choice? This is nutral and does not attack their inner self, their selfworth. Never ever be mean or eve teasingly cruel, you so ugly, your such a brate, dont be a baby, dummy, get it right stupid. do i have to do everything for you. i dont need you. i dont love you. i wish you were never born! You will stunt or even destroy their personal self, Only kind and loving words wherther stern or gentle will produce the kind of emotional helth your child needs, if you use good words your child will feel emotional nutured, loved for who they are not just one of many. Children treated in an environment of understanding a depth of acceptance and love is foundational in raising healthy kids. How we exsperience our selves in a family for the good is very nurturing.
We all have dreams about our families and children, It is not impermence that make us suffer what makes us suffer is wanting things to stay permenent, when they are not. Parenting is hard often our lives don resemble what we had hoped for, when our vision of our life does not come true, or is changed in dramatic ways-dreams that do not come to fruition hurt, our lives change with our family friends children and relatives, our own copasity to handle stressers can bring greif to the way we thought it would be, grieving those losses takes awhile but opens up possiblities to create a new paradigm for living. maybe a better one? I have grieved the losses of many things and tried to celebrate the new and exciting life that comes from letting go of the old and embracing the new. slowly engaging with a new paridime for living.
What is it that shapes your well being? Who or what nurtures you, what brings you peace and satisfaction? All people need to have times of rest and relaxsation take care of your self even if its just in your mind. Do you hear a litany of condemnation? thats not from God but from somewhere else, Its you self talk, things you have heard or thought about your self, words like, no one likes you, your ugly, your always wrong, you need to be better than others? We all have that voice. Speak back to that voice. Its a lie, you are speical, especially to God, capable strong and yes weak in other ways but must put that voice away, You must stop listening to that voice.. Start by giving your self the love and respect you need, nuture your self with the kind words you say to others. Life is full of growth, love, joy, and pain, give your self a break, no parent is perfect, we have flaws, thats ok. Who speaks nurture and wisdom into your life? Harsh judgemental people or kind people who give you grace? Make changes that are good for you, loving people is good for our soul. You must have some of this toparent well.
Parent, grand parent, gaurden
Have you ever wondered how God changes people? Maybe it seems like old habits never change no matter how hard you try. Maybe you have become discouraged in your lack of growth into Christ likeness. You know you are forgiven because of the cross, and you realize you are totally accepted by God on that basis. This is wonderful. And yet your desire to live more like God some how constantly falls short. God desires to transform our souls, this transformation occurs as we recognise that God created us to live in an interactive relationship with Him.. Our task is not to transform ourselves but to stay connected with God in as much of life as possible, as we pay attention to His Spirit in our lives we naturally and slowly become more like Him, which takes a life time. Our job is to do the connecting and God does the perfecting.
Jan Johnson
Every healthy parent wants their child to experience love and suceed in life. The single most important thing you can do for your child is to give them a firm foundation for life. God loves you and your child specifically by name, God wants your child to know Him, to be loved by Him, and learn to love others. To know God relationally as a friend, to know He will always be there to help them through the ups and downs of life. Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
All children need a stable home, love, and respect. In the last four years all of us have struggled to live in a constantly changing world we have become more stressful than ever before. Statistics show a skyrocketing increase in the incidents of children's physical, mental, and emotional issues in their homes, schools, and emergency rooms, producing unstable and emotionally wounded children. anxietyand and anger are commomn place in our homes.
Maybe you understand the hurts of childhood, or maybe you didn't recognise them wanting to move on. We typically raise our children the way we were raised without even knowing it. If you are a wounded child there is help. If youwant to grow in understanding yourself and your children this site is for you, you can suceed and become the parent you have always wanted to be. Most parents want to help their child be stable loving people but are un equipped! This site is short and simple with sturdy one page topics and good basic teaching that will change you and your child for the better! Topics pertaining to Responding, Listening, Nurturing, and speaking using good Words, and Vocabulary (See Honey for a Childs Heart page)
Love, Kim Fenech
The statements, formates and information on this site is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please see your regulare Dr. or counseliing professional.
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